
Digital Magazine Newsstands

Just as tablets have changed the way books will be purchased and read, the future of magazine publishing is also digital. The concept of digital magazines and paginated periodic content is actually more conducive to electronic delivery than a book. However, books were a simple start for digital distribution ~and magazines just didn't WOW on a...

iPad Magazine Editions – GET WIRED!

The Wired Magazine iPad Edition is certainly another benchmarking that all UI and UX design and developers will be looking at to determine just what works best for the rest of the magazine publishing industry that also wants to invest in the proper app strategy. It's not just the pricing model that excites us, it's the fact...

Tablet Magazines

Tablet magazines will take a big step forward next month when the reality of an interactive iPad magazine can be held in your hands. Expensive? Yes, but then again so is creating and printing a print magazine. The magazine brand enjoys strong identity for the content or niche for which it is targeted. Interactive media will enhance...

Magazine Apps Directory

The Magazine Publishers of America MPA has created the "mapps" (magazine applications) magazine apps directory. "Your official guide to mobile applications produced by magazine/media companies. From news, sports, entertainment and gaming to finance, fashion, beauty and health, magazines are developing apps that extend the influence of their trusted brands and complement consumers’ on-the-go, digital lifestyles. This directory...