Publisher Web Strategy

The magazine website and digital edition strategy must leverage the magazine publishing business model for digital mediums. Magazine digital media consulting includes the proper strategic advice for creating a positive experience for the right magazine audiences engaged in digital media. It frames options to maximize subscriber growth, recurring revenue, and deliver value to key advertisers.
Magazine DigitalStrategy

Let’s distinguish the magazine value. The magazine digital strategy leverages core publishing brand value across digital mediums. The magazine website is now the central brand portal and marketing facilitation point for almost every on-demand access element of the modern magazine brand. This includes access to news, topic based and organized content, featured stories, resources, guides, blogs, events, and digital & print edition access/inquiry and service/support interface.

Keep the Plan Simple and Maximize Revenue


Magazine Publishing Consultants

Digital publishing strategy extends from logical digital capabilities, publishing workflows and publisher marketing systems.  So while there may be good reasons to keep existing digital magazine multi-channel publishing software tools, mobile apps, and 3rd party platform solutions, magazine consultants must look at the publication business model objectives and editorial mission. Our publication consultants analyze the digital interface environments that connect reader, advertiser, and distinguished target audience segments with the positive experience of consuming magazine media. Regardless of the digital and print magazine issue publishing frequency, a digital strategy must keep the magazine audience active at least weekly.

Publisher Digital Strategy

The magazine strategy defines a unique and valuable experience that guides the magazine web design and digital editions. We seek advertiser media-kit interest lead generation and consumer opt-in subscribers for digital editions, newsletters, print subscriptions, plus follow/like + comment actions for the brand’s social media. This initial engagement provides us the ability to gain continued marketing reach and ultimate conversion for growth.

Introduction Call
A SimplePlan

When a basic digital strategy is defined for the magazine website and digital editions, every other future publisher decision about marketing or functionality can be easily resolved or executed. – David Blankenship, Digital Publishing Solutions & Strategy Consultant


We define the strategic goals for delivering value to the digital audience. This includes review of the existing publishing business model. This is where the publishing team gets to share their ideas and creativity plays a key role in the determination of how we make the experience unique and memorable!

Revenue Strategy

The revenue strategy defines how the media kit inventory and major sponsor packages will fund both the brand website re-design as well as provide ongoing maximized revenue.


Marketing the magazine brand to grow audience and advertisers is a process that can heavily rely on the website and digital medium solutions.  Potential and existing advertisers are segments that need attention just like our readership audiences. Digital brings many new opportunities for sharing content no longer limited by print mechanics or the logistics of physical delivery and delay.

Requirements & Architecture

Requirements are prioritized and sequenced to determine the proper website functional architecture to support our user stories.  Detailed UX elements will be presented during the design phase to ensure simplicity.  The core strategy specifications that support the publishing business model are key drivers for web development and site configuration.

See our 21 tips for key recommendation segments that should guide your own strategy.

Strategy to EmpowerCreativity

The core strategy doesn’t need to be overly complex. A simple and powerful strategy that is understood will work best to guide results and still leave creative design options open to the team. The web and digital edition strategy support a profitable publishing business model and covers the audience experience flow and ongoing visit lifecycle. Done right, the publisher web and digital strategy don’t limit future options for brand growth. Following the strategy phase, we begin the design phase to adjust the existing publisher website or begin the full magazine website redesign.

Publication Website Publisher Tips
Publication Website Tips