Tablet Magazine Editions – New iPhone and Andriod Apps Inspiration
Magazine publishers are starting to think ahead. And this type of thinking may not be to far ahead since many publishing technology futurists see the unique digital magazine and “Tablet Magazines” just around the corner.
It’s likely that the e-book tablet market will open create a strong enough demand by this time next year that all mainstream publishers will be moving on from their 2010 success in developing their magazine iPhone and Andriod Apps to the new “Tablet” reader presentations. Apple will likely impress us with a tablet like device that is more of a cross between and computer, a phone, and an ipod sometime in 2010, and we can bet the space will already be strong with other similar devices.
The magazine will change forever in in the next 2 years. For magazine publishers that want to continue strong niche or brand expansion into digital media, it’s time to start planning how you’ll make your strategic mark beyond the printed page. Advertisers will still pay to reach audiences, and publishers must understand how their audience is moving quickly to digital reader devices.
Here’s the latest magazine table concept by Time Inc. in partnership with The Wonderfactory.
Sports Illustrated – Tablet Demo 1.5 from The Wonderfactory on Vimeo.