Magazine Web Design

15 years of experience as publication web designers ~ we create beautiful magazine publisher website designs. Everything we've learned has allowed us to put our focus and energy into the VERTIQUL digital magazine platform!
Magazine UX for Publisher Websites

Today there are many approaches and project execution methods to design or re-design a publisher magazine website. Existing magazine periodical publishers often have branded elements of the site that are popular and contain content expectations for ongoing repeat visitor destinations on the magazine website. For many magazine publisher web publishing operations there are also internal content workflows and publishing team responsibilities to be considered in the design upgrade. Our publication website work is now limited to publishers who are utilizing VERTIQUL for the digital magazine edition.

Design Project Elements

In addition to the proper design process, the CMS foundation must be evaluated along with other systems and services for producing advertising and other revenue producing elements of the website. The approach for the project depends on the internal staff involved. We are happy to propose a design collaboration mix based on the budget, project timeframe, and theming considerations with the existing CMS platform. Our team can guide the design process and provide the new publication web designs PSD files to the publisher for implementation.  Or let our team design and theme for an existing CMS.  Options are provided for new magazine web CMS software and migration when combined with a digital publication by VERTIQUL.

UX Design Strategy

For existing publishers or magazine startups seeking an innovative digital magazine publishing business model, we provide options to meet your advertising and audience growth goals. Our magazine web design process begins with a strategy phase to determine the key elements necessary to support revenue and publisher workflows. Full service magazine website design projects allow us to accent the brand with:

  • creative design presentation
  • logical navigation and content organization
  • responsive design structure
  • conversion strategy to grow audience
  • facilitate advertising and revenue maximization
  • optimize rapid and easy to use publishing workflow process to staff
  • position content for optimized SEO and SMO structure
Innovative UX Magazine Strategy

Our success is achieved based upon innovative UX magazine strategy supported by a logical design process. We provide the work required without creating a design agency dependency at a design or technical level. We optionally offer a monthly design & web services support to help publishers that don’t have specific web designers, web developers, or SEO/SMO specialists and don’t yet have full-time internal positions for these roles. Our team can provide additional design assets created on an ongoing or master template and workflow basis.

21 TIPS for Magazine Publication Websites
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