Magazine Apps Directory

Magazine Apps Directory

The Magazine Publishers of America MPA has created the “mapps” (magazine applications) magazine apps directory.
“Your official guide to mobile applications produced by magazine/media companies. From news, sports, entertainment and gaming to finance, fashion, beauty and health, magazines are developing apps that extend the influence of their trusted brands and complement consumers’ on-the-go, digital lifestyles. This directory includes apps on a variety of mobile devices and platforms [iPhone/iPod Touch (iPad coming soon), Blackberry, Android] with links to download the apps.”

Magazine Apps Directory

This is a great start to helping magazine publishers establish a directory and store to feature magazine apps.  We look forward to seeing and open directory that can feature both open platform and iPhone / iPad Magazine apps in the near future.

There are a number of magazine app development tools available today that would enable a magazine publisher to promote an early, lite, or even beta version of their own magazine app brand extension.  What’s important here is that the publisher understand the magazine app strategy.  A publisher could potentially have several magazine apps design specifically for the iPhone, iPad, Andriod and even other eReader devices which we can only assume will begin to present color and other periodical (not just ebook) specific magazine presentation capabilities.