Magazine Strategy
As a publisher, you’re magazine brand is the center of the universe for your niche. The primary niche will have ancillary audience support and benefits from these sub audiences or perhaps even general audience traffic to help elevate impression metrics. However, the material objectives and mission must service your primary target niche audience and the participants that support the publishing business model. A focused value definition is our best chance to get a potential subscriber’s attention for their first experience with the magazine brand.
Regardless of publishing mediums, the magazine must deliver an ongoing, engaging, informative, relevant, and interesting content to this audience. For the greatest enthusiasts of your brand niche, your brand stories must be epic because a portion of your most avid readers will want to be involved in your content on many levels. Your publishing team participants must have real interaction with this audience. Once you publisher an article, your website should be configured to support an ongoing dialogue about your story. This extends to social and targeted media partners for content promotion.
Your story should provide taxonomy and foundational context for the types of content published so that each piece of the story helps portray where this content helps the user continue their journey objectives. Once you deliver value with great content, you need to bring the user back next week.
Once your publishing business model and content strategy are defined it’s critical to have a strategy for how the brand delivers and interacts with the audience. For the traditional print magazine publishing model, the print strategy including circulation and fulfillment should be developed by a circulation partner with experience in related publications and markets. And the modern magazine digital strategy needs to cover all the non-print elements of the magazine brand. This doesn’t mean that both print and digital strategies are independent of each other. Every UX element of audience, advertiser, and publishing team work seamlessly together.
Publishing partners developing your magazine strategy will perform discovery and analysis of your publishing and content model to determine how to leverage your efforts and maximize both audience growth and profit.